by Xuande » 16 Jul 2010 22:09
Sadly I don't have any Req screens (POST MORE) but these are some I've collected since: (JP heavy but eh, what can I say)
In Soviet Vana'diel, Text emotes YOU
Clash of the titans? Maybe it's more like david and goliath, idk
Just... because
I want to give this guy credit for being witty but he misspelled than
Proof I'm not the only crazy one
Proof Queero is uh...
Proof of something. I don't even know
Things like this aren't supposed to happen (double triples and a tie)
Nor things like this
But for whatever reason, this seemed to happen a lot
No I don't want those at all, whatever gave you that idea
Road actually paid me back, 6 years later (props if you get the reference)